The entry requirements for this course are 55 Combined Science (higher) and 5 in GCSE maths as part of the 5 GCSE grades 9-4 offer, not as stated in the prospectus.
The course aims to:
The practical endorsement accompanies the A level qualification. It requires a minimum of 12 practical activities to be completed over the 2 year course.
Students who have enjoyed GCSE Science and have a natural interest in Chemistry would be best suited to the course. Students who are considering careers in Medicine or Veterinary Science should also take Chemistry. Well-motivated and organised students will be the most successful. This course also relies on Maths skills and therefore an interest in Maths is also desirable. An A-Level in Maths would compliment this course but this is not essential. Extended writing skills are not essential.
There are numerous job opportunities for students with Chemistry qualifications including Medicinal Chemistry, Forensic Science, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy and Biochemistry. A Level Chemistry is also highly regarded for non-scientific careers including Accountancy and Law.