The A-level History qualification has been designed to help students understand the significance of historical events, the role of individuals in history and the nature of change over time. The qualification will help them to gain a deeper understanding of the past through political, social, economic and cultural perspectives. The engaging topics available to them throughout the course will provide them with the knowledge and skills they require to succeed as A-level historians. Students will study three components throughout the course: Germany 1918-1945, the British Empire 1857-1967 and the NEA (non-examined assessments).
This course would suit the more independent learner as it involves wider reading and research. History combines well with almost any other subject because it requires both the empirical skills of science and the creative imagination of the arts.
The list of occupations and prospects is endless. Studying History provides more than knowledge and understanding of the key events. It provides each student the essential skills required to succeed in any occupation, course or apprenticeship. Having a qualification in History at this level is regarded as prestigious and admirable. Many of our pupils go on to study History at undergraduate level, but some will opt for related disciplines such as Law or PPE. Even those moving into unrelated areas will find the skills fostered by History, the ability to analyse, explore and communicate in a clear and interesting way, will be profoundly useful.