This course engages students with the questions that human beings have asked since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers.
In the first year the Philosophy section includes philosophical issues and questions; religious experience; Problems of evil and suffering. The ethics unit includes issues or debates in religion and ethics. The Buddhism section includes Buddhist beliefs, values and teachings; Sources of wisdom and authority; Practices that shape and express - religious identity.
In the second year The Philosophy section includes Philosophical issues and questions; The nature and influence of religious experience; Problems of evil and suffering; The Religion and Ethics section includes Significant concepts in issues or debates in religion and ethics; A study of three ethical theories; Application of ethical theories to issues of importance; Medical ethics: beginning and end of life.
The course is aimed at anyone who enjoys asking questions and does not mind not getting a straight answer! Each module of the course is assessed through essay style questions in an exam. However, some of these are based on the material studied, some on the student’s own research and some on the student’s ability to critically engage with texts. Therefore students will need to be able to develop their arguments in written form as well as through class discussion and presentations.
The study of Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Buddhism enables students to develop transferable skills such as communication, empathy, reason, logic, analysis and critical thinking, which are key skills that employers and universities look for. It combines well with almost all other humanities subjects and will give a broad-based education which will enable you to enter higher education.