The course explains the molecular and cellular bases of life and then uses this grounding to explain the key processes that life entails, including transport, defence, ecology, evolution and a comprehensive understanding of the metabolic pathways in photosynthesis and respiration.
Human physiology forms an important part of the course and students gain an insight into how the main organ systems work. Genetics and cellular control are also vital topics studied, and students have the opportunity to get hands-on with a field trip.
Practical skills are a key part of biology and students will build up their laboratory skills in lessons, including dissection, research skills, biological drawing and microscopy.
Students must have an inquisitive nature and show great enthusiasm for biology. Organised students who work hard will be successful on this course.Self-reliance is an important quality as independent background reading will be essential.Students need to engage in all aspects of practical work and adopt a methodical approach to improve their scientific skills.
Biology is can open doors to many different courses at university. There are courses in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Nursing and many more for which Biology A-Level is either essential or strongly advised. Many students who go on to secure places at university to read Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences choose Biology to complement a Chemistry A-Level.
Practical Skills in Biology, Foundations in Biology
Exchange and Transport, Biodiversity, Evolution and Disease Communication, Homeostasis and Energy Genetics, Evolution and Ecosystems