Important as academic achievement is, you will find there is much more to life in the Sixth Form. As well as participating in a wide range of sporting activities, a large number of students are involved in the most challenging Ten Tors expeditions and Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Next year students will again have the opportunity to take part in this. The creative arts, sports and community programmes offer opportunities which are open to all. You will have the chance to visit theatres, concerts and art galleries throughout the year, as well as the chance to perform in the site’s musical and drama productions. In the past, Sixth Formers have visited France, Spain, Italy, Poland and Germany. You may wish to get involved with the Sixth Form Council and help arrange Sixth Form events, work with younger students, or to be involved in voluntary activities and events within the wider school community. There are a wide variety of first class facilities for Sixth Form students across all campuses.
These include:
English Language and Maths GCSE Retakes
We provide exceptional support for those who need to retake English Language and/or Maths.
Students can also take the opportunity to take additional qualifications, such as Level 3 Core Maths and the Extended Project.