Our bespoke tutor programme is embedded across all of our campuses and is designed to support students both academically and emotionally as they navigate their way through post 16 education.
The tutor programme is a compulsory part of sixth form study and students are required to attend tutor time everyday. The importance of tutor time on a Monday and Friday means that no home study is taken during tutor time on these days.
Topics covered include:
Year 12
Introduction to Sixth Form life
Study Skills including note taking, and revision.
Time management
Managing screen time
Sixth Form Mindset
Mental Health support strategies and Mindfulness
Sex and Relationships Education
Careers - planning for next steps/ HE guidance
Revision skills
Year 13
Reading skills and note taking strategies
Sixth Form Growth Mindset
Destinations - support for HE or Apprenticeship applications
Mental well being and emotional awareness
Study and revision strategies
Student finance
In addition to this, students have PSCE, a super-curricular session timetabled weekly to support skill development and compliment the curriculum.
Sixth Form Careers support
We are committed to providing our students with a comprehensive, impartial programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work related learning (WRL). Our student website can be found here.
All students take part in a careers programme that:
We work closely with parents/carers to support their children to make informed career choices. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend the careers events and various parents information evenings are available to help parents support students in planning their next steps. These include Next Steps Evening, HE application guidance evening, Apprenticeship Application Support Evening and the Student Finance Evening. To seek advice and ask any questions you might have regarding careers pathways. Parents are encouraged to contact Ms Baker-Starling, Ms Oxley-Hughes or Mrs Ward if they wish for further guidance on HE applications.
The placement with an employer is for a period of one week, where you will learn about a particular job. This usually takes place in the last week of the summer term, however some students might opt to take part in a more regular placement, for example volunteering in a local school. While you are on your Work Experience placement you will be able to find out about the types of skills employers look for when they are recruiting.
This opportunity also gives you the chance to develop communication skills and self confidence.
It is always rewarding to hear success stories. In particular some of our employers have had such good experiences with students they offer them part-time jobs which may lead to full-time employment.
Some students who are planning to go onto study at university may choose to take part in a university summer school or outreach activity which is designed to help students prepare for the next steps after Sixth Form.
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. This is supported by qualified careers advisers.
The National Careers Service website aims to:
www.amazingapprenticeships.com provides information about apprenticeships.
Plotr is a website created to help 11-24 year olds discover and explore careers they’ll love.
LifeSkills, created with Barclays, is a free, curriculum-linked programme, developed with teachers to help improve the skills and employability of young people in the UK.
icould has a range of video clips showing real people talking about their jobs and careers.
Plan your study & work. Your choices at 14, 16 and 18, explore different job sectors and how you can study and work at the same time – even to university level.
Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice.
MNSP Careers Policy - follow this link
For further information about Careers at each of the school’s sites including details on the Career’s lead please follow the links below:
Norton Hill School - Somerset Studio School - Somervale School - Writhlington School
Careers information due to be reviewed in Sept 2025.
Careers Leaders
Sixth Form - Mrs K Barker-Starling, kbarker-starling@msnsixth.com 01761 402280
SSS - Mr Noott - jnoott@somersetstudioschool.com 01761 438557
Norton Hill - Mr M Serle, mserle@nortonhillschool.com 01761 412557
Somervale - Ms S Davis, sdavis@somervaleschool.com 01761 414276
Writhlington - Ms Sage, esage@writhlington.org.uk 01761 433581